RIGF 2016 is devoted to answering the question of a possible global consensus in the field of Internet governance. Process participants sound like they are on the same page, but they often have a very different understanding of how the Internet should be managed A consensus, therefore, is illusory and even dangerous, because it can lead to unpredictable consequences both for the Internet and world community. The participants of the forum will exchange views and figure out whether they fully understand one another.
The forum will include discussions devoted to the security of critical Internet infrastructure, global network management principles and international cooperation. Experts from Russia, China, the United States and European countries will discuss what new institutions are required to ensure Internet operation and who should establish them, as well as try to agree on key issues of global network management policy.
The event is hosted by the Coordination Center for TLD RU/РФ, and supported by ICANN, RIPR NCC, Kaspersky Lab, APTLD, RAEC, the Regional Public Center of Internet Technologies and the Internet Development Institute.